Peer Review Process
- The editor will examine and evaluate the submitted manuscript regarding focus and scope, suitability to the manuscript template, readability, and level of plagiarism. Every submitted manuscript which passes this step will be checked to identify any plagiarism before being reviewed by reviewers. Plagiarism scanning will be conducted with the help of Turnitin.
- The section editor will send manuscripts that meet this requirement to at least two reviewer with a double-blind review (without the author's identity). If it does not match the competence, the reviewer has the right to reject the manuscript and recommend another more competent reviewer.
- The reviewer will review the manuscript from the aspect of quality and substance of the writing, including its novelty, originality, usefulness, and validity of citations and bibliography.
- The acceptance or rejection of the manuscript will be decided by the editor based on the review results given by the reviewer.
- The approved manuscript will proceed to the copyediting and layout editing stages.
Review Criteria
(1) Relevance
The topic should be in line with the aims and scope of the journal
(2) Contribution (originality, novelty, and innovation)
(3) Organization and Clarity
- Layout and format.
- The title clearly describes the article.
- The abstract should be clear, informative, descriptive, and provide a clear statement of the problem, the proposed approach or solution, and point out major findings and conclusions.
- Keywords consist of words or phrases which are important, specific or representative to the article.
- The introduction should provide a clear background, a clear statement of the problem, the relevant literature on the subject, the proposed approach or solution, the new value of research and end with the purpose of the study.
- The method includes research chronological, including research design, research procedures, instruments, and analysis techniques used in solving problems.
- Results and Discussion should be an objective description of the results and should be in relation to the purposes of research.
- Tables and Images properly show the data and are easy to interpret and understand.
- Language : Bahasa Indonesia or English (Prefer).