Relationship Between Trust, Expertise And Interaction Factor Toward Purchase Intention On Tiktok: A Study Among Higher Learning Institutions Student In Malaysia

  • Abd Rahman Yaacob * Mail Politeknik Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin, Perlis, Malaysia
  • Maizah Mohmad Som Politeknik Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin, Perlis, Malaysia
Keywords: Trustworthiness; Perceived Expertise; Parasocial Interaction


This research investigates the influence of trustworthiness, perceived expertise, and parasocial interaction on the purchase intentions of Malaysian TikTok users. Using a quantitative approach, data was collected from three Malaysian higher learning institutions to assess the direct impact of these factors on purchase intention. The study's conceptual framework serves as a structural guide, revealing empirical evidence that highlights the importance of trustworthiness, perceived expertise, and parasocial interaction in shaping users' purchase intentions on TikTok. The findings suggest that marketers can benefit from focusing on enhancing content creators' perceived expertise to increase purchase intentions. Future research may explore causal relationships among these factors, cross-cultural impacts, and their long-term effects on consumer loyalty and marketing strategy effectiveness.


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