Penyebaran Doktrin Ajaran Sesat Di Alam Siber : Ancaman Akidah Umat Islam Di Malaysia

  • Kamsani bin MD. Saad * Mail Politeknik Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin, Perlis, Malaysia
Keywords: Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah; Misguided Teachings; Ending Dream Journey; Hulk's Teachings; Inner Teachings


The phenomenon of heresy is not a new matter because it has existed since the early days of Islam in the apostolic era of the Prophet Muhammad SAW until today. This problem needs to be addressed immediately and given serious attention by all parties from time to time because it causes the Islamic faith to slip away from the Islamic teachings that were actually brought by the Prophet Muhammad SAW. In fact, a large part of this understanding is clearly deviant and is being proclaimed as heretical teachings by the Malaysian Islamic Progress Department (JAKIM). Based on this problem, the author put forward a concept paper entitled 'The Spread of Heretical Doctrines in Cyberspace: Threats to the Faith of Muslims in Malaysia' to explain to Muslims in Malaysia to be alert to the symptoms of heretical teachings like this. In this connection, the author will discuss three forms of heretical doctrine that often appear and are still actively spread through various platforms on social media, including the teachings of the Last Dream Journey (PMYT), the teachings of the Hulk and the teachings of Batiniah. Apart from that, this concept paper explains that in the era of rapid progress of the industrial revolution 4.0 and the era of cyber technology, the spread of information through the borderless virtual world makes this problem even more difficult to control because it causes people to be confused in differentiating whether the information is true or not. or not. It is hoped that this concept paper will be able to pave the way for reviewers to carry out related investigations as an effort to deal with various forms of heretical doctrinal abuse which clearly deviate from the teachings of Ahli Sunnah wal Jamaah. Therefore, Muslims need to be alert and not easily influenced by the emergence of various new sects like this, especially for those who are still new to the religion of Islam.


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