Tazkiyyat Al-Nafs Dan Kepentingannya Dalam Menghapuskan Sifat Mazmumah Dan Menghidupkan Sifat Mahmudah Dalam Diri

  • Hamdan bin Zakaria * Mail Politeknik Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin, Perlis, Malaysia
  • Mohd Fadhil bin Aziz Politeknik Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin, Perlis, Malaysia
Keywords: Tazkiyyat Al-Nafs; Mazmumah Nature; Mahmudah Nature


Tazkiyyat al-Nafs is a spiritual process in Islam which aims to cleanse the soul of mazmumah (negative) traits and strengthen mahmudah (positive) traits. Tazkiyyat al-Nafs has its roots in the Koran and Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad SAW which emphasize the importance of cleansing the soul as a step towards spiritual perfection. This process involves thinking, self-control, and active efforts to improve character. The importance of Tazkiyyat al-Nafs can be understood in the context of spiritual cleansing which allows a person to approach Allah SWT and achieve true happiness. By eliminating mazmumah traits such as arrogance, greed and anger, a person can achieve inner peace and true happiness. In addition, Tazkiyyat al-Nafs helps a person develop easy qualities such as honesty, patience, and compassion, which are the principles of a meaningful and harmonious life. By strengthening these easy qualities, a person can become a role model for himself and the community around him. This study focuses on exploring the importance of Tazkiyyat al-Nafs in eliminating the mazmumah (disgraceful) nature and reviving the mahmudah (praiseworthy) nature in a person. This study is in qualitative form by referring to previous studies related to the tazkiyyat al-nafs process. The results of the study show the importance of tazkiyyat al-nafs in the process of purifying oneself and then approaching (taqarrub) Allah. Overall, Tazkiyyat al-Nafs is part of the spiritual journey in Islam, which helps individuals eliminate the mazmumah nature and revive the mahmudah nature within themselves. Through persistent and conscious effort, one can achieve serenity and blessing in their life.


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