
  • Proceeding Global Vocational Education Symposium

    ISSN XXXX-XXXX (Media Online)
    Global Vocational Education Symposium Journal is an academic journal published by the Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT) using the Blind Peer-Review method, periodically (1 year) on the year.

    Global Vocational Education Symposium journal has ISSN XXXX-XXXX. Global Vocational Education Symposium provides a national and international publication platform for researchers both professionals and academics in research fields.

  • Explorer

    EXPLORER Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology is a scientific journal published by the FKPT (Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi). This journal contains scientific papers from Academics, Researchers, and Practitioners about research on Computer Science and Information Technology. EXPLORER journal has an EISSN 2774-4647. EXPLORER Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology is published twice a year in January and July. The paper is an original script and has a research base on Computer Science and Information Technology. The scope of the paper includes several studies but is not limited to the study of Artificial Intelligence, Computer Graphics, and Animation, Image Processing, Cryptography, Computer Network Security, Modelling and Simulation, Multimedia, Computer Architecture Design, Computer Vision and Robotics, Parallel and Distributed Computing, Operating System, Information System, Mobile Computing, Natural Language Processing, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Expert System and Geographical Information System. Thus, we invite Academics, Researchers, and Practitioners to participate in submitting their work to this journal.
    EXPLORER Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology has indexed by Google Scholar | Portal Garuda | ROAD | Crossref | Scilit | Dimensions | 

  • Bulletin of Information Technology (BIT)

    ISSN 2722-0524 (Online) 

    Bulletin of Information Technology (BIT), is a scientific forum that accommodates writings derived from research results from both lecturers and students. The Bulletin of Information Technology (BIT) journal is a journal that accommodates various writings in the field of Computer Science. Scientific articles sent to the editor must be original manuscripts and have never been published elsewhere. Scientific articles in each publication are the responsibility of the author. BIT Journal is published in a period of 3 (Three) months with ISSN: 2722-0524 (Online) with Decree no. 0005.27220524/JI.3.1/SK.ISSN/2020.05 - 6 May 2020.

    Jurnal Bulletin of Information Technology (BIT), has been indexed on Google Scholar | Portal Garuda | Dimensions |Crossref | ROAD | Science and Technology Index (SINTA 5) | Scilit | | Indonesia One Search (IOS) |DRJI|

    The main topics published in the Bulletin of Information Technology (BIT) Journal, namely: Decision Support System, Expert System, Cryptography, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Mining, Image Processing, and other related topics in the field of Information Technology (using methods in problem solving).


  • Jurnal Akutansi Manajemen Ekonomi Kewirausahaan (JAMEK)

    Jurnal Akutansi Manajemen Ekonomi dan Kewirausahaan (JAMEK) is a journal published by the Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT). This journal is open to researchers who want to publish scientific work to publish articles reporting research results on accounting and finance. This journal utilizes manuscripts in various topics but not limited to functional areas: marketing management, financial management, strategic management, operations management, human resource management, e-business, knowledge management, management accounting, management control systems, business information management systems, business economics, business ethics and sustainable entrepreneurship. This journal is published in 3 (Three) times a year namely January, May and September. E-ISSN: 2774-809X
    E-ISSN : 2774-809X
    Portal Garuda | Dimensions |Crossref | ROAD | Science and Technology Index (SINTA 5)



  • Journal of Trends Economics and Accounting Research

    Journal of Trends Economics and Accounting Research merupakan jurnal ekonomi, akuntansi dan manajemen yang diterbitkan secara periodik dengan metode peer-review oleh Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi bekerjasama. Journal of Trends Economics and Accounting Research Research memiliki ISSN 2745-7710 (Media Online) sesuai dengan SK 0005.27457710/K.4/SK.ISSN/2020.10 (tanggal 5 Oktober 2020).  Journal of Trends Economics and Accounting Research menyediakan sarana publikasi nasional bagi para peneliti baik profesional maupun akademisi pada bidang penelitian yang berhubungan dengan ekonomi, akuntansi serta manajemen. Jurnal ini dapat memuat berbagai pendekatan metodologis dalam mengidentifikasi dan memecahkan masalah-masalah penting yang muncul dan masalah ekonomi, akuntansi dan manajemen.  Journal of Trends Economics and Accounting Research publish empat (4) issue dalam 1 tahun, yaitu pada bulan: September (Issue 1), Desember (Issue 2), Maret (Issue 3), dan Juni (Issue 4).  Journal of Trends Economics and Accounting Research saat ini telah terindex:  Google Scholar | Portal Garuda | Crossref | Scilit | ROADDimensions | Science and Technology Index - SINTA 5

  • Journal of Machine Learning and Data Analytics

    Journal of Machine Learning and Data Analytics (Journal Malda) is a scientific international journal published by Forum Kerjasama Perguruan Tinggi (FKPT). This journal has the results of scientific studies and is created to give research in Computer Science. Journal of Machine Learning and Data Analytics helps local researchers and international researchers publish their work both in Indonesian and English. Journal of Machine Learning and Data Analytics published two times a year (February and August) and downloaded for free


  • Journal of Computing and Informatics Research

    The Journal of Computing and Informatics Research is a journal that publishes research results in the field of Computing and Informatics, but not limited to other fields of Computer Science. Has ISSN 2808-375X (Online Media) with Number 0005.2808375X/K.4/SK.ISSN/2021.10. Journal of Computing and Informatics Research is published every 4 months, namely in November (No 1), March (No 2), and July (No 3).

  • Journal of Criminology and Justice

    Journal of Criminology and Justice merupakan Jurnal Ilmu Hukum yang dipubliskan oleh Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT). Journal of Criminology and Justice memiliki ISSN 2808-3660 (Media Online) sesuai dengan SK No 0005.28083660/K.4/SK.ISSN/2021.10. Journal of Criminology and Justice memuat kajian-kajian dari hasil penelitian baik dosen dan mahasiswa, melalui proses peer-review. Journal of Criminology and Justice publish 4 bulanan, yaitu pada bulan Oktober (Issue 1), Februari (Issue 2) dan Juni (Issue 3).

  • MeSTErI Journal

    MeSTErI Journal merupakan jurnal yang membahas topik penelitian, tentang  perkembangan teknologi Mesin,Teknik Sipil, Teknik Elektro, dan Teknik Industri
    Jurnal ini terbuka bagi para peneliti yang ingin mempublikasikan karya ilmiah untuk menerbitkan artikel yang melaporkan hasil penelitian tentang ilmu ketekhnikan, jurnal ini diteribitkan dalam 2 (dua) kali dalam setahun yaitu Bulan November dan Bulan Mei

  • Management of Information System Journal

    Management of Information System Journal merupakan jurnal yang mempublikasi hasil penelitian pada bidang Manajemen Informatika maupun Sistem Informasi, namun Management of Information System Journal dapat juga menampung kajian pada bidang Computer Science. Management of Information System Journal publish pada periode 4 bulanan, yaitu November (Issue 1), Maret (Issue 2) dan Juli (Issue 3).  Management of Information System Journal memiliki ISSN 2964-9455 (media online) dengan no SK 29649455/II.7.4/SK.ISSN/12/2022.

  • Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Inovasi dan Kolaborasi Disiplin Ilmu

    Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Inovasi dan Kolaborasi Disiplin Ilmu merupakan kumpulan artikel penelitian dari seluruh civitas akademika dalam rangka penyebaran ilmu pengetahuan. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Komputer dan Sains memiliki ISSN XXXX-XXXX (media online). Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Inovasi dan Kolaborasi Disiplin Ilmu menyediakan layanan publikasi terbuka untuk semua anggota masyarakat, baik di semua lingkungan pendidikan tinggi dan guru dan lembaga penelitian lainnya, dengan kebebasan untuk bertukar informasi yang didedikasikan untuk memfasilitasi kerjasama antara peneliti, penulis dan pembaca melalui pertukaran informasi. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Inovasi dan Kolaborasi Disiplin Ilmu diperkenalkan dan dikembangkan di lingkungan Universitas Budi Darma sejak tahun 2018 dan terbuka lebar untuk terus dikembangkan.

    Untuk Seminar Nasional Teknologi Inovasi dan Kolaborasi Disiplin Ilmu 2024 dilangsungkan pada Akademi Keuangan Perbankan Nusantara

    Keynote Speaker
    1. Prof. Drs. Sriadhi, S.T., M.Pd., M.Kom, Ph.D (Rektor Universitas Harapan Medan)
    2. Dr. Aslam Nur, M.A. (Rektor Universitas Muhammadiyah Aceh)

    Steering Committee
    1. Mesran, M.Kom
    2. Tengku Mohd. Diansyah, M.Kom
    3. Abdul Karim, M.Kom

    Organizing Committee

    1. Prof. Syafrida Hafni Sahir (Universitas Medan Area, Medan)
    2. Prof. Drs. Sriadhi, S.T., M.Pd., M.Kom, Ph.D (Universitas Negeri Medan)
    4. Dr. Wardayani, M.Si (STIM Sukma Medan)
    5. Dr. Suginam, M.Ak (Universitas Harapan Medan)
    6. Dr. Iwan Purnama, M.Kom (Universitas Labuhanbatu)
    7. Dodi Siregar, M.Kom (Universitas Harapan Medan)

  • Proceeding of Engineering Science

    Merupakan jurnal yang mempublikasi hasil prosiding pada bidang ilmu teknik. Proceeding of Engineering Science publish dalam periode 6 bulanan.